Help Menu
My Account
- A “My Account” page link will be shown on the the top of every page for a logged in user.
- From this page, users can access My Profile, My Cart, My Orders, My Shipping Address and My Billing Address pages.
My Profile
- In this page, the user can edit his/her email and/or password .
- A user can view the items that have been added to the cart.
- The user can remove any added item or update the quantity of a particular item.
- The user can enter promo codes to receive a discount.
- The cart can contain either digital or non-digital products.
- The user can continue adding products to the cart by clicking on the “Continue Shopping” button.
- The user can checkout by clicking on the checkout button
My Orders
- Users can view all orders from this page.
My Billing Address
- In this page, the user can add/edit the billing address information .
My Shipping Address
- In this page, the user can add/edit the shipping address information .
My Refund Request
- This is where users can request refunds for purchased products.
My Gift Cards
- In this page, the user can view the gift cards and the balance amount of each gift card that has been purchased.
My Gift Card Usage
- Users can view a list of used gift cards along with the total amounts spent.
Unsubscribe Newsletter
- This link allows the user to subscribe/unsubscribe from the newsletter.